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April 29th 2020




I caught the tale end of yesterdays bass bite. Today I made sure I would be there for the beginning of the bite. We got to our location only to find it lifeless. I told Brad that he should start casting around because we aren't going anywhere until the sun pops up.  I was very happy to hear Brad scream out that he is in. At this point we were catching bass without any birds working. As soon as the sun broke the horizon the birds got to work. Before we knew it there were birds everywhere. After catching bass for 3 straight hours we finally decided to pack it in. Our beautiful windless sunny  morning now resembled an October afternoon. Winds went East and started to blow. On the way home we found a ton more bass feeding in the middle of the bay. After another hour we were both done. It's nice to have bass hands in April. All fish were caught on Zman and swim shads. All fish were shorts. It always amazes me that a bass can have a bunker wedge in its throat and still try to eat another.  Weather coming up is going to keep the boat dockside. Danm it!










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