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August 21st 2019


Tough day. The bite really never got going for us. The fish were really spread out. We worked hard for these two "unders."


Once again fish were taken on RonZ. I do know of one nice fish taken. A buddy of mine that came down form RI boated a really nice 68" fish. There were a lot of albies mixed in. 


Just like prior trips if you find the rays you will find the fish. 


I'm tired and my engines need to go in for routine service. I may not fish over the next 10 days. With the forecast that I looked at I may not miss much.


My camera broke the other day.  100% my fault, I left the "door" open when I submerged it under water. I love that camera. However my new one is due to be delivered today.  Same camera but is updated. I hate using my phone for photos. 





















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