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Date:          Aug 24th, 2016


Time:          5am


Location:   Just north of the Little fish tails

Lure:          Green Joe Shute/ballyhoo

Fish:           Mahi/Blue Marlin







Thank you Roger, Thank you Tony!


We Pushed off at 5am on Roger's 26' regulator with high hopes. We ran to the East and found ourselves in clean blue 75 degree water. We picked up some small mahi around the pots. Not picture worthy but certainly taco worthy. 


Keep in mind Marlin love eating mahi. As we bounced from one pot to another we finally got one of our reels to scream. I figured we hooked a decent size mahi. As we started to clear the lines the fish made an insane run. All of a sudden the penn 80, yes I said penn 80, was getting spooled.  we would soon see why. Holy moly it's a marlin! to add to the excitment it was a blue not a white.



Roger was kind enough to let me fight the fish. If you have been reading my reports I have come close to catching my first east coast marlin. Tony did a great job running the boat and roger did a great job on the camera. At one point the marlin was actually in-front of the boat exploding out of the water. Tony chased the fish down and I settled in for a great fight. The marlin dug in and so did I. There were times when I couldn't turn the handle. There was no way I was giving up the rod. This may sound odd but I had sweat dripping from my ears. With the sun beating down and an hour into the fight we were ready to bring the fish boat side.Tony did an awesome job releasing the fish. You can only imagine how crazy we went as we watched the marlin swim off.



We didn't find any tuna but we did find a life long memerory.



I hope you guys enjoy the videos.






























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