Date: Aug 27th, 29th & 31st, 2016
Fish: Blues/weaks/fluke
27th..Spent the day fluke fishing in the ocean with Gina. Had action from the start. We ended the day with 1 keeper. The 43 shorts kept us busy. I love ocean fluking. I moved the boat just 2 times.
29th.. Fished the bay with my brother Larry. It was a slow day. Picked away at some some weaks and had just one fluke. At least the fluke turned out to be a keeper.
31st.. Fished the bay for some summer weaks with Bob. Bob landed a really nice 6.5lb fluke. I had a little problem with the net. Thank God I was able to get it in the net. I would have never heard the end of it..LOL
We also found a few nice weakfish that were released.
I'm dying to get out deep. I have marlin on my mind. It may be a while with all of these storms brewing. They may be far away but they still have huge impacts on our offshore grounds.
My canal is loaded with huge mullet. I dream of pitching them to some mahi!.