Date: Aug 16th, 19th & 20th 2016
Fish: Blues/weaks/fluke/mahi
16th..Spent the day fluke fishing the reef with Tony and Roger. Squid and sandeels. Had a few bucks up for grabs. Kirk, 20 shorts 1 keeper; Tony 16 shorts 1 keeper; Roger 14 shorts 1 keeper. Should have bet on quanity not quality. Tony took the pool with his fish. Had to fight through a lot of searobins. We lost a searobin to a brown shark that exploded on it at the surface.
19th... Ran offshore with Sal and Steven, ended up 20 miles SE of the Coimbra. Hooked up with a white marlin for 1 jump, then he spit the hook. So bummed! Other than that just a few small mahi.
20th... Working on a weakfish article so I hit the bay with Gina early this morning. Caught a lot of weaks a few nice ones. Click on the two screen shots to see what looks like hundreds of weakfish.