July 20th, 2018
Great day. Roger and I looked at the forecast and came up with the same conclusion. Let's make it a long one becuase the weather is about to shut everything down for at least a week for us.
We pushed off in the dark at 4:15 and headed out to the Coimbra. It didn't take long. I spotted a feeding frenzy. With a large whale in the middle I decided to troll on the outside of the boil. It paid off with a new boat record. After an hour fight I sunk the harpoon into a 64" BFT. After we iced the fish and got back up on the troll we were hooked up again 10 minutes later. This time it was my chance. Once again the fight lasted about an hour. We released the fish boat side. After we had another knock down we decided to look for some mahi. We found ourselves at the Little Tails. We went 1 for 2 on mahi. We then picked up and ran to the Tails. After about an hour we picked up once again and headed to the Claw. Tons of boats. The water was cobalt blue. Boats were picking up BFT, YFT and marlin. We however didn't get to join in.
On the 90 mile run home we stopped at the Coimbra once again. The life was insane. Whale spouts for as far as the eye could see. Dolphins were everywhere and they were both on the feed. We quickly threw out a 2 rod spread and trolled around for a half hour. We came up empty so it was time to head home.
We covered 272 miles burning 162 gallons. That equates to a burn rate of 1.68MPG. That is awesome. We still had 100 gallons in the tank. That gives you a range of 422 miles!!
Once again I can't say enough about my Raymarine Axiom Pro's. Check out some of these screen shots. Take a look at how deep it's holding bottom while marking bait and tuna.