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July 20th 2021



Didn't feel like fishing in a crowd, so we went deep. We started at the Dip and ended at the Tails. We struck out looking for tuna but we did great with the mahi. Between the 4 of us we brought home 18 nice size mahi. I'm finally going to use my smoker. My buddy Tony, who happened to catch the big (18 pounds) fish of the day, gave me some smoked mahi last year and I loved it. You eat it cold with a dipping sauce. The big fish was caught on the troll on a shute/bally. The rest were caught with live bait.


On the ride home we found the mother of all floating tree trunks. Easily 30 feet long.  We were surprised that there were no mahi under it. There were tons of jacks and big trigger fish. I hope no one hits that trunk, you may survive but your engines won't. The ocean really laid down for the ride home. We did anywhere between 30-35kts. 

The boat goes in for maintenance tomorrow. If all is good I'll be back at it. 






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