Date: June 15th, 2016
Time: 4:30
Wind: Calm, 10-15kts S
Location: Virginia Wreck
Lure: Bluefish/false albie filets
Fish: 20 blue sharks
I headed out on my buddy's boat. We pushed off the dock around 4:30 looking for a few sharks and tuna. We didn't find any tuna but we did find plenty of blue sharks. Even though we didn't land anything to boat, it was a great day introducing Roger to sharking. Roger caught his first shark within 5 minutes of us fishing. In fact we didn't even have time to get the third rod out. After a lull of about an hour things got silly. We couldn't get a bait out 10' before we had another blue shark on. After about 2 hours we called it quits. We trolled around for a little while looking for a bluefin but we came up empty. It was awesome to see Roger's excitement while he was fighting his first shark. I'm sure he can't wait to get back out there.
Thanks for the great day Roger..many more to come.