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Date:          June 18th, 2015


Time:          11 am

Wind:          5 kts


Location:    FI/ Ocean


Bait/Lure:   sand eels/squid


Fish:          10 BSB/30 fluke

Largest::    19"





I didn't plan on fishing today, however, the wind was minimal so I didn't want to pass up a fish-able day. I hit the reef for some fluke. Once again all that I found were big black seabass. After about an hour I moved away from the reef and was able to locate some fluke. I landed about 30 fish and I took one home. I basically had the whole ocean to myself. Love that! I hit a few bunker pods looking for some stripers and once again I had no luck.


If you pull up both of those screen shots you will notice that the depth of the water is in the mid-40s. I was actually fishing in water that was 65 feet deep. That's how thick the seabass are. May head out again in the morning..







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