Date: June 21,2014
Tide: Incoming
Time: 4:15 am
Weather: winds E @ 15KTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
General Location: Fire Island Inlet
Bait/Lure: Diamond Jigs/Poppers
Fish: BlueFish(10+)
Largest:: 30"
While most people were sleeping Steven hooked up with a Thresher Shark, we had a close encounter with a small whale and we buzzed by a pod of dolphins. Not a bad way to start a new adventure in life.
The ocean was a mess. After getting beat up for 2 hours and not finding any Striped Bass I made the decision to head inside and look for some Bluefish just so we wouldn't get skunked. Glad that I was able to find Steve and Brad some fish.
It's tough to complain when you are married to a women who has no problem with you fishing on your anniversay. 6 yrs today for me and Gina.