Date: June 29, 2014
Tide: outgoing
Time: 4:30 am
Weather: winds 0-5knts S
General Location: East of FI inlet
Bait/Lure: Live Bunker/Gulp/Spearing
Fish: Bluefish(1)/Striped Bass(3)/Fluke(5)
Largest:: 48" 45lbs
Comments: It very easy fishing. Find a Bunker pod, snag a Bunker and hang on. Millions of Bunker and what seemed like millions of boats. Gina may have hooked up with a bass the quickest I have ever seen. I truly think it took her 3 seconds after having snagged a Bunker. It's a great day when a boat record falls along with 2 other personal bests. Only took one fish home, still working on Mako meat.
New Boat record Kirk..45LBS Bass
Personal best Gina 35LBS Bass
Kirk 14LBS Bluefish