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 Date:          November 16th, 2015


Time:          6:15am    

Wind:          5-10kts W


Location:    GSB


Lure:          Tsunami Swim Shad


Fish:         70-80 bass 




First, I would like to apologize to Bob. Things were a little crazy and I ended up whipping him in the head with one of my casts. No blood or bumps. If I was quick enough I could have blamed it on a seagull. LOL


It's amazing how one small school of bunker leads to an all-out frenzy. We had tons of bass all to ourselves for about 2 hours. Many times all three of us were hooked up at the same time. The fish kept getting bigger and bigger.


After a few more boats showed up the bite started to die. I made a quick run to the inlet only to be greeted by a lumpy ocean. So instead of running the beach we turned around and headed right back to where we found the bass this morning. Once a again the birds were working. One after another we  had fish on, fish on, fish on. Then like someone turned a switch off it was over. However, I have a huge advantage over most;  My electronics are very detailed.



If you look at those two top screen shots you can clearly see that one school of bunker has bass on them while the other does not.  We started to pick up bass again! This time there were no birds, so most people stayed away from us. I would stare at the screen until I found bunker pods that had bass on them.


The last picture is a bass that had an adult bunker half way down it throat and it still went after my fake swim shad.


It's awesome to catch these fish without using live bunker. The three of us each kept one fish. All other fish were released very healthy. By using these swim shads you never gut hook a fish.
















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