Date: November 29th, 2015
Time: 6:15am
Wind: 5kts WNW
Location: Old/New Inlet
Lure: Tsunami Swim Shad
Fish: 2 bass
If you pull up the picture of the breakers you can see a bunch of birds flying around. There were a ton of bass in those breakers. However a fish isn't worth your life. After my buddy Bob took a spill we decided that our 2015 season had come to an end. Luckily Bob landed on a bean bag that I had just moved. It was tough for us to drive away but we made the right choice.
I can only pray that all these bass return next year to the back side of the GSB.
In 2015 I made 85 trips, ran the motors 320 hours and covered 3,600 miles. Thank God I have 6 years of warranties
I hope to have a discussion board up and running sometime over the winter.
2015 saw increase page views by 57%. In total 55,858 pages were viewed. I hope to hit 100,000 next year.
I hope everyone enjoyed this year's fishing posts. Here are my top three moments.
1. By far the day we found the great white.
2. Rand and I catching that big Bluefin Tuna
3. Putting my nephew Matt on his first Tuna