Date: November 2nd, 2016
Time: 7:00am
Wind: sw 10kts
Location: Ocean/Moriches bay
Bait/Lure: Storm Shad/ Diamond jigs
Fish: Striped Bass
Yesterday we caught a lot of bass. Today we caught even more bass. These fish were small but what a blast. The ocean was a little messy. We had a 3 foot chop that was tight. I had Bob and Brad on board today. Bob took his usually fall..He is 75 after all. Thank God for Bean Bags! Brad popped a few Dramamine and hung in there despite the tough conditions. Just as we were about to head in I informed the crew that we were going to take a trip to the west. They didn't know that I spotted the mother of all blitzes. It took us a few minutes to get there because of the conditions. Once we arrived it was a fish on every drop. We put the storm shads away as it was time to JIG!!!!
We were surrounded by 100's of birds. The fish were so thick that you could dead stick a jig and hook up.