Inshore Weekly update 11/7/2021
Good news...The bass fishing was pretty solid last week. There are still tons of bunker pods around. A lot of these pods have bass on them. It's strange because the bunker are staying deep making them a little harder to find. The bay is still holding plenty of schoolies and slot fish. I never thought when Gina and I moved to LI that we would ever catch the amount of fish that we have. If you watch the video you can tell how excited I still get. If you fish and this video doesn't get you excited I suggest you take up golf. I hope I always sound like a happy maniac in my videos. Almost all fish last week were caught on swim shads and live bunker.
Bad news.. I'm done for the year. Once I docked upped I noticed that there was oil spewing out from a few different areas around the engine's cowling. I don't have an answer yet but I have a feeling that it might be another crack in the block. These Suzuki 350s have not been good to me. I'll keep you posted.