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Date:          October 20th, 2016


Time:         6:30am   


Wind:        Calm/ 10kts E


Location:   GSB


Bait/Lure:   Storm Shad


Fish:          Striped Bass






I headed back to Woodside yesterday. My two buddies Chris and Pete lost their father to a heart attack. Sometimes good can come out of tragedy. I miss a lot of of my friends that I was able to see yesterday. There are a lot of bad memories in Woodside that I try to run from but there are also some great ones. We all came from similar backgrounds perhaps that's why we always looked out for each other. I plan on reconnecting with these guys. Life is way too short.


As for fishing it was a great morning! 19 bass. It seems a new body of fish has moved in. Several keepers in the mix. I ran aground chasing them in shallow water. NO damage, thank God most of the south shore is sand.




If you go out tomorrow don't forget your rubbers.

















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