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October 24th 2018


What a great day.


Two weeks ago to the day Roger and I were catching Mahi in blue 72 degree weather. Today it was cold, windy and the water was green. Did I mention windy? The ride to the fishing grounds was rough. When we got in the ocean winds were still West. Rollers and wind chop made things a little uncomroftable in the morning. 


When I got home I checked the bouy in the bay. 17kts with gusts to 27kts. That is why Gina doesnt fish with me in the fall.  She is no fool.


Inlet was rough. The giant dredge in the middle makes things a little tougher. Once we got out I headed west and found the mother load. We had about 100 bass. All keeper size and most were caught on jigs. 


Check out the mystery fish that was in a bass mouth. It looks like a spot but it also looks like a butterfish. 












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