Date: October 25th, 2015
Time: 2:45 pm
Wind: west 10kts then flat calm
Location: GSB
Lure: Tsunami swim shad
Fish: 30 bass
I was sitiing on the couch when I recieved a text from Roger who owns CMI Electronics. He simple stated that he had just hooked up with a bass. It took me all of 15 minutes to grab my gear and head down the canal. I quickly spotted birds and some bass however I wasn't able to hook up. I had a few more chances and again came up empty. It looked like that might be it. 20 minutes went by with out any birds or bass. Then I spotted the mother load of birds going nuts. I quickly radioed Roger to run west. For the next 2 hours it was bass after bass. The best part once again is how close all of this is to my canal. There are a lot of bass in the bay. If you remeber a few weeks ago I mentioned that I had never seen so much bait in my canal. Tons of mullet and peanut bunker are leaving these canals like mine and are getting gobbled up by these bass. Please let this continue!! Please!!
That is me in our boat. Once again Roger, thanks for the call and the picture of the fat guy in the Contender.