Date: October 31, 2014
Time: 7:00 am
Weather: wind 10kts East
Location: FI Lighthouse
Bait/Lure: Live Bunker
Fish: 3 Bass/1 Bluefish
Largest:: 35"
Finally got a decent day to get out. With the big blow predicted for this weekend it seemed everyone decided to play hooky and go fishng. Very frustrating at times with that many boats. Amazed at how clueless some people can be. Not only would boats run over the pods of bunker they will also get so close to your boat that if a nice size bass hits and runs towards the other guy's boat, you are going to lose that fish. GO UP WIND/CURRENT TURN ENGINES OFF AND DRIFT BACK! Ok, I'm done complaining.
On board was Brad aka George Costanza(Puffy Coat) and Ernie. I normally don't get excited when 3 guys catch only 4 fish. However not seeing any other boats land a fish I was pumped that we put some keepers in the box. Brad landed the first two fish. Me and Ernie know that we would never hear the end of it if we didnt hook up soon. Ernie wasn't able to land a fish but the Captain humbled Brad. My keeper made Brad's fish look like bait. HAAAAAAAA. Brad even tried to claim that the net was tangled so I had to reach down and grab the fish and heave him in by hand! We had a lot of laughs and I love fishing with competetive people. George, sorry I mean Brad you will see again. Of course Ernie will be back and maybe he will even catch a fish next time..LOL