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Date:          October 5th, 2016


Time:          1:00 am


Wind:         E 15KTS


Location:   RMB


Bait/Lure:   Storm Shad/ Hogy


Fish:          Striped Bass


Did my first solo night trip last night. Wind was howling, the tide was ripping. Dropping the anchor was easy, pulling it up in those conditions was not. After an hour and a half of nothing I decided to make a move. After running back and forth from the helm to the anchor line several times I was finally able to secure the anchor to the pulpit.


At about 4:30 I finally found the fish. Nothing big, however I did managed a few keeper size fish. The bite really got going so once Again I dropped my anchor and before you knew it the East sky began to brighten and it was time to head home. For about an hour I had fish busting all around the boat. A great way to start the fall run. I took one for the table. If  I had another person with me I would have made the move a lot sooner.












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