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That was a quick week. Matt stepped in you know what with the weather. We actually got offshore 3 times. All three days we had slicked out, windless days. On our last trip we managed three nice YFT. All three were caught on live peanuts. Through out the day we had tuna busting around us. At one point we had a very large fish circle the boat for about an hour. Every time we threw in a hookless bait this fish would inhale it. However we couldn't  get the fish to take a bait with a hook. I use 3/0 circle hooks. Next time out I'm going down to a 2/0. In case you are wondering I also plan on stepping down to 30 pound leader, I currently use 40. 

Gina was on vacation last week as well. The poor girl needs another vacation. She worked yesterday and was up in Boston today for a business meeting. I have said it before...I have no idea how she puts up with me. 

I turned 50 In July and I think I'm having a mid-life crisis. Those of you that run offshore will understand the way I feel. I have come to the conclusion that I don't have many years left to fish offshore. There aren't many 60 year old's running around at 2am in a center consoles. I have no idea if I will ever be able to afford a sporty that may prolong my passion. People that don't fish think I'm crazy. I'm sure some of you guys can relate to my struggles. I will admit I'm very selfish with my time. The clock is ticking I just hope when I'm done its on my terms. 








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