September 25th 2021
Holy moly we have a Roger sighting! Roger has been very busy this year. This was his first time fishing. When ever we get together its always a great adventure. This trip was no different. I planned to get to the inlet at slack tide. We ran out of Moriches inlet this time out. The inlet was rough. We took the east cut out and off we went. Roger was hoping to put some mahi filets in the freezer. After our 60 mile run, Roger could have all the mahi he wanted. Not only did we find them under all the pots. We also found them under tons of Sargassum seaweed. The seaweed went on for miles, After we were done with the mahi it was off to find some tuna. My buddy Max from Rhode Island called me into a bite that he was on behind some draggers. The bite was insane. We were hand feeding the yellowfin. Every dragger that we got behind had schools of tuna feeding. We kept 3 fish between us. My saltwater pump wasn't working. The boat was a mess. Roger is a work horse. Before we got back to the dock most of the blood and fishgaak was gone. The ride home was as nice as it gets. We were treated to the brightest rainbow that either of us had ever seen. I'm begging to get one more shot at this bite. The amount of YFT out there is crazy!