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9/4/2023 & 9/6/2023


2 for 1 offshore reports..


On Monday It was Gina, Matt, Brad and I. The plan was to get bait and head out for the afternoon bite. The weather was perfect. It wasn't lights out.  During various times we had fish blowing up around the boat. We only managed 1 fish on three bites.  Always grateful to bring some meat home. Our one fish nearly got sharked. We had a front row seat watching a hammerhead and brown shark chase it around.

On Wednesday it was Gina, Matt, jp, Chris and I. we put a YFT in the box before the sun came up. The fish took a ballyhoo on the way back. With one of our baitwells going down I made the decision to pick up and look for mahi. We found plenty however there wasn't anything to brag about. We actually saw 3 wahoo just below the surface, However by the time I put on a wire leader it was to late. I will forever be ready if that situation presents itself again. 



All eyes are on hurricane Lee. At this point I don't care about getting offshore. I just hope it pushes east once it starts heading north. 


Yes that is a deer, I know they are found throughout LI but it was pretty cool seeing one in my back yard. 

Wahoo can be found all over at this point. Just take a look at all that clean water. However trolling has become almost impossible with all the weeds. 







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